Tarot, Astrology, and the Mystical Arts
The human experience is a journey of growth that is not easily understood unless we are able to find connection points that help us create deeper meaning for it. While many branches of science look into a very objective side of that experience, measuring everything related to how our body and mind function, there is more to life than that, and they know it too.Â
The magic of the mystical arts is an exercise of connecting to what is beyond the objective world. Many use the term "metaphysical" to describe this other layer that we are connecting to. Metaphysics is commonly known as a branch of philosophy that studies the building blocks of reality. Naturally, questions such as "what is real?" are part of that discussion, as are also questions such as "why is it real?" , "how is it real?" , and more pragmatic directions such as "how can it be useful?"
My interest is precisely around that pragmatic aspect of magic. How can we bring all that we learn in the mystical arts back to our everyday life? How can magic help us grow beyond anything we could imagine? How can we use magic to make the best of the time we have in this world? These are questions that interest me, and it is my purpose when I work with people in developing their connections to magic (clients, friends, co-workers, students,...).
I recently started a new series of informational zines around the mystical arts. This first one, shared below, is an introduction to Tarot and the history of Tarot, with an emphasis on card number zero: The Fool.
If you are interested in Tarot or Astrological readings please contact me.